Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

The project-team is involved in several ANR projects:

  • S. Boyaval is the PI of the ANR JCJC project SEDIFLO (2016-2020) to investigate new numerical models of solid transport in rivers.

  • G. Stoltz is the PI of the ANR project COSMOS (2014-2018) which focuses on the development of efficient numerical techniques to simulate high-dimensional systems in molecular dynamics and computational statistics. It includes research teams from Institut Mines-Telecom, Inria Rennes and IBPC Paris.

  • E. Cancès is a member of the ANR project BECASIM (2013-2017), PI: I. Danaila (Université de Rouen). This project is concerned with the numerical simulation of Bose-Einstein condensates.

  • F. Legoll is a member of the ANR project CINE-PARA (2015-2019), PI: Y. Maday, UPMC. This project is concerned with parallel-in-time algorithms.

Members of the project-team are participating in the following GdR:

CORREL (correlated methods in electronic structure computations),

EGRIN (gravity flows),

MANU (MAthematics for NUclear applications)

MASCOT-NUM (stochastic methods for the analysis of numerical codes),

MEPHY (multiphase flows)

DYNQUA (time evolution of quantum systems, with applications to transport problems, nonequilibrium systems, etc.),

REST (theoretical spectroscopy),

CHOCOLAS (experimental and numerical study of shock waves).

The project-team is involved in two Labex, namely the Labex Bezout (started in 2011) and the Labex MMCD (started in 2012).